annoying interface
Using this only because I use the osx app and couldnt figure out a way to sync that ones read/unread with my ios feedly (which is an indication of how newsbar has all these little things missing that shouldnt be). Feedly is much nicer. This ios reader feels clunky and hard to navigate, with very little custom features. Takes forever to load and refresh. Doesnt seem to have the attention to design and ease of use that other rss readers have. For example, there is no way to mark an individual item unread. Rather than being able to swipe the item in the sidebar to "unread", you have to tap the upper right icon for printing and sharing and find the Mark Unread icon there. But then you tap this icon, and then when you try to leave that item and tap to another item, the first item gets marked as read again. The only options with the sidebar are to mark all read or unread; no individual control. I give this example in detail just to give a sense of how the interface is annoying in general and not easy to use at all. It also misreads swipes--I will be reading an article, and swipe up to move the page down, and it will misread it as swiping left or right and take me to another article. If the laptop app would let me sync to ios feedly, I would much much rather use that than this app. Poor design. annoying also because I had to pay extra for this ios app once I had already paid for the osx app, and its a bad app. The osx app also isnt that great. I kind of regret the whole move to newsbar but now feel stuck until I find something better.
jk;dklsfhwer about
NewsBar RSS reader